三古展弘 論文リスト 三古展弘のホームページ

三古展弘 論文リスト(2024年12月24日現在)


(3) 三古展弘:43章 交通論の実りある学習と研究のために,56章 研究指導と卒業論文,経営学の歩き方(2023年度版),神戸大学経済経営学会,pp. 244-248,319-326,2023年3月.

(2) 三古展弘:第2章第9節 非集計モデル,第8章第16節 街路空間の効率的利用,交通経済ハンドブック(日本交通学会編),白桃書房,pp. 49-50, p. 188,2011年10月. [link]

(1) 正司健一,三古展弘:第16章 交通,ハンドブック経営学(神戸大学経済経営学会編),ミネルヴァ書房,pp. 249-263,2011年3月. [link]

(32) Goto, Y., Sanko, N.: Quantifying the economic value of reservation deadlines in demand-responsive transport. Transportation Planning and Technology. December 2024. DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2024.2443671.[link]

(31) Sanko, N., Yamaguchi, S.: Meta-analysis of travel-based multitasking by railway passengers in Japan between 1983 and 2019: direct observation and YouTube videos. Transportation. August 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-024-10522-4.[link]

(30) Kato, H., Sanko, N., Ishibe, M., Sakashita, A.: Value of travel time savings for leisure trip in autonomous vehicles: Case study from the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 24, March 2024, 101080. DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2024.101080.[link]

(29) Utsunomiya, K., Sanko, N., Keumi, C.: Expectations and satisfaction towards railway companies by residents in Japan. Research in Transportation Economics 100, September 2023, 101303. DOI: 10.1016/j.retrec.2023.101303.[link]

(28) Sanko, N., Sakai, H., Kakamu, K., Nakamura, E.: Cost structure changes in the Japanese local bus sector in an era of deregulation: a Bayesian gradual switching approach. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 57(2), 151-176, April 2023.[link]

(27) Sanko, N., Iriguchi, N.: Are self-reported times rounded? Insights from times reported by an objective third party. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 16, 100698, December 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2022.100698.[link]

(26) Sanko, N.: Updating function model: Model updating method transferable in a wider range of data sizes, Asian Transport Studies, 8, April 2022, 10071. DOI: 10.1016/j.eastsj.2022.100071.[link]

(25) Mariel, P., Sanko, N., and Vega-Bayo, A.: The effect of the Free High School Tuition law on upper-secondary school choice in Japan, Studies in Educational Evaluation, 70, Article 101065, July 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2021.101065.[link]

(24) 宇都宮浄人・三古展弘・毛海千佳子:沿線住民の鉄道事業者に対する期待と満足,交通学研究,第64号,59-66,2021年3月.

(23) Sanko, N.: Activity-end access/egress modal choices between stations and campuses located on a hillside, Research in Transportation Economics, 2020, 100931, DOI: 10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100931.[link]

(22) Sanko, N.: Criteria for selecting model updating methods for better temporal transferability, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16:3, pp. 1310-1332, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2020.1746862.[link]

(21) Bwambale, A., Choudhury, C.F., and Sanko, N.: Car trip generation models in the developing world: data issues and spatial transferability, Transportation in Developing Economies, 5: 10, October 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s40890-019-0075-7.[link]

(20) Sanko, N.: Travel demand forecasts improved by using cross-sectional data from multiple time points: enhancing their quality by linkage to gross domestic product, Transportation, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp 905-918, May 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-016-9755-x.[link]

(19) 三古展弘:交通需要予測モデルにおける定数項の修正:データ収集時点とサンプル数に基づくその意義,土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学),Vol. 74,No. 1,pp. 21-34,2018年1月.[link]

(18) Daly, A., Sanko, N., and Wardman, M.: Cost and time damping: evidence from aggregate rail direct demand models, Transportation, Volume 44, Issue 6, pp. 1499-1517, November 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-016-9711-9.[link]

(17) Sanko, N.: Temporal transferability: trade-off between data newness and the number of observations for forecasting travel demand, Transportation, Volume 44, Issue 6, pp. 1403-1420, November 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-016-9707-5.[link]

(16) Sanko, N.: Factors affecting temporal changes in mode choice model parameters, Transportation Planning and Technology, Volume 39, Issue 7, pp. 641-652, October 2016. DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2016.1204088.[link]

(15) Sanko, N., Hess, S., Dumont, J., and Daly, A.: Contrasting Imputation with a Latent Variable Approach to Dealing with Missing Income in Choice Models, Journal of Choice Modelling, Volume 12, September 2014, Pages 47-57. doi:10.1016/j.jocm.2014.10.001.[link]

(14) Sanko, N.: Travel Demand Forecasts Improved by Using Cross-sectional Data from Multiple Time Points, Transportation, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp 673-695, July 2014, 10.1007/s11116-013-9464-7 [link]

(13) Sanko, N., Dissanayake, D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba, H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur in Comparison with Nagoya, Transportmetrica A, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 187-213, 2014, DOI:10.1080/18128602.2012.726285 [link]

(12) Sanko, N. and Yamamoto, T.: Estimation Efficiency of RP/SP Models Considering SP Design and Error Structures, Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol. 6, pp. 60-73, September 2013. [link]

(11) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Nagamatsu, Y.: Post-project Evaluation of Travel Demand Forecasts: Implications from the Case of a Japanese Railway, Transport Policy, Vol. 27, pp. 209-218, May 2013. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.02.002 [link]

(10) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Kurauchi, S.: Mode Choice Models' Ability to Express Intention to Change Travel Behaviour Considering Non-Compensatory Rules and Latent Variables, IATSS Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 129-138, Mar 2013. 10.1016/j.iatssr.2012.10.001 [link]

(9) 三古展弘,山本俊行:RPの属性値を基準にした効率的なSP調査設計:RPとSPの誤差項に着目して,土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学),Vol. 67,No. 5(土木計画学研究・論文集第28巻),pp. I_427-I_434,2011年12月. [repository]

(8) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T: Temporal Transferability of Updated Alternative-Specific Constants in Disaggregate Mode Choice Models, Transportation, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 203-219, 2010. [link] [repository]

(7) Sanko, N., Dissanayake, D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba, H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Inter-Temporal Analysis of Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership Behaviors - The Case in the Nagoya Metropolitan Area of Japan, 1981-2001 -, IATSS Research, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 39-53, Nov. 2009. [link]

(6) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Choice Models Using Matching Data, In Kitamura, R., Yoshii, T., and Yamamoto, T. (Eds.) The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research: Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Emerald, UK, pp. 571-594, Oct. 2009. [book link] [repository]

(5) 三古展弘,前岨宏明,山本俊行,森川高行:居住地の交通利便性を考慮した世帯の自動車・二輪車保有モデルの時点間比較―中京都市圏を例として―,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol. 22,pp. 541-550,2005年10月.

(4) 三古展弘,森川高行:世帯単位で見た居住地・自動車保有・自動車旅行距離の関係の経時分析,土木計画学研究・論文集,Vol. 21,pp. 523-530,2004年11月.

(3) 三古展弘,森川高行:非集計交通手段選択モデルにおける修正された選択肢固有定数項の時間移転性,都市計画論文集,No. 39-3,pp. 511-516,2004年10月.(第39回日本都市計画学会学術研究論文発表会にて発表,2004年11月,広島国際大学)

(2) Li, C., Yamamoto, T., Sanko, N., and Morikawa, T.: Analysis of the Users' Impressions to Railway Stations Focusing on the Effects of Adjunct Retail Facilities, Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2004, City Planning Institute of Japan, pp. 227-235, Sep. 2004, Hokkaido Univ.

(1) 森川高行,永松良崇,三古展弘:新交通システム需要予測の事後評価−ピーチライナーを例として−,運輸政策研究,Vol.7,No.2,pp.20-29,2004年7月. [link]

(28) Utsunomiya, K., Sanko, N., Keumi, C.: Expectation and satisfaction towards railway companies by residents in Japan. presented at the 17th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 17), Sydney, Australia, September 2022. (abstract refereed)

(27) Sanko, N.: The first- and last-mile transport of university students between stations and campuses located on the hillside, presented at the 16th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 16), Singapore, August 2019.

(26) Sanko, N. and Kimura, W: Stated preference survey to elicit joint decisions by asking a single respondent, presented at the Sixth International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan, August 2019.

(25) Sanko, N.: Age-period-cohort analysis for alternative-specific constants in commuting mode choice models, paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Santa Barbara, California, USA, July 2018.

(24) Sanko, N.: Trade-off between survey frequency and sample size for forecasting travel demand: a preliminary study using cross-sectional data from three time points, presented at the 11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Esterel, Quebec, Canada, September, 2017.

(23) Sanko, N. and Takamiyagi, C: Preferences for park/kiss and bus rapid transit ride in Okinawa, Japan, presented at the 15th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 15), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017.

(22) Sanko, N.: Comparing travel demand forecasts between models with larger data from single time point and models with smaller data from two time points, presented at the Fifth International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, April 2017.

(21) Sanko, N.: A novel model updating method: updating function model with gross domestic product per capita, Compendium of Papers of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Jan. 2017.

(20) Sakai, H., Kakamu, K., Sanko, N., and Nakamura, E.: The effect of deregulation programme on Japanese local bus sector, presented at the 56th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Vienna, Austria, 24 August 2016.

(19) Sanko, N.: Criteria for selecting model updating methods for better temporal transferability, Compendium of Papers of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Jan. 2016.

(18) Sanko, N.: Should small samples from recent time point be used with older data? Applicability of updating models by transfer scaling, hEART 2015 - 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2015.

(17) Sanko, N.: Trade-off between data newness and number of observations for travel demand forecasting, Compendium of Papers of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Jan. 2015.

(16) Bwambale, A., Choudhury, C.F., and Sanko, N.: Modelling Car Trip Generation in the Developing World: The Tale of Two Cities, Compendium of Papers of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Jan. 2015.

(15) Sanko, N., Daly, A., and Wardman, M.: Cost and Time Damping: Evidence from Aggregate Rail Direct Demand Models, hEART 2014 - 3rd Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Leeds, U.K., September 2014.

(14) Sanko, N.: Travel demand forecasts by using repeated cross-sectional data: attempt to express parameters as functions of gross domestic product per capita, Compendium of Papers of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Jan. 2014.

(13) Hess, S., Sanko, N., Dumont, J., and Daly, A.: A latent variable approach to dealing with missing or inaccurately measured variables: the case of income, paper presented at the Third International Choice Modelling Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 2013.

(12) Hess, S., Daly, A., Dumont, J., and Sanko, N.: When Explanatory Variables Are Unobserved: The Example of Latent Income, Compendium of Papers of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D. C., USA, Jan. 2013.

(11) Sanko, N.: Improving Forecast Performance Using Cross-Sectional Data from Multiple Time Points, paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada, July 2012.

(10) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Nagamatsu, Y.: Post-Project Evaluation of Travel Demand Forecasts: The Case of New Transport System Facing a Competing Railway, Thredbo 12: Proceedings of the International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, Vol. 1, pp. 134-157, Durban, South Africa, Sep. 2011.

(9) Sanko, N. and Yamamoto, T.: Estimation Efficiency of RP/SP Models Considering SP Design and Error Structures, paper presented at the Second International Choice Modelling Conference, Leeds, UK, July 2011.

(8) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Kurauchi, S.: Evaluation of Travel Mode Choice Models from the Viewpoint of Their Ability to Express Intention to Change Travel Behaviour: Focusing on Decision-Making Rules and Attribute Characteristics, paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, India, Dec. 2009.

(7) Sanko, N. and Shoji, K.: Analysis on the Structural Characteristics of the Station Catchment Area in Japan, In Preston, J., Jansson, K., Veeneman, W., and van de Velde, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport: Public Policy and Transport, pp. 79-86, Delft, The Netherlands, Sep. 2009. [repository]

(6) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Effects of Response Formats of Stated Preference Analysis for Travel Mode Switching Behaviour - Bivariate Probit and Interval Data Models for One-and-One-Half Bound Format -, Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2008, Leeuwenhorst Conference Centre, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Oct. 2008. [link]

(5) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Effects of Response Formats in Contingent Valuation of Travel Mode Switching Behaviour -- An Inspection for the Effectiveness of One-and-Half Bound SP Data --, The 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Transportation Studies, Hiroshima Univ., Aug. 2007. (CD-ROM)

(4) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Choice Models Using Matching Data, paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Aug. 2006. (CD-ROM)

(3) Sanko, N., Dissanayake, D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba, H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Inter-Temporal and Inter-Regional Analysis of Household Behaviors on Car and Motorcycle Ownership in Asian Metropolitan Cities: Bivariate Ordered Probit Modeling Approach, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D. C., USA, Jan. 2006.

(2) Morikawa, T., Yamamoto, T., Dissanayake, D., Sanko, N., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba, H., Tiglao, N. C., Rubite, C. P., and Rivera, M. A.: Travel Behavior Analysis and its Implication to Urban Transport Planning for Developing Countries (Special Session), The 5th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Fukuoka, Japan, Oct. 2003.

(1) Sanko, N., Daly, A., and Kroes, E.: Best Practice in SP Design, Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2002 (CD-ROM),2002年9月,英国ケンブリッジ.[link]

(46) Liu, Y., Sanko, N.: Willingness to pay for shared autonomous vehicles as last-mile mobility: a case study between railway stations and university campuses in Japan. Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning No. 68 (CD-ROM), November 2023, Tokyo Metropolitan University.

(45) 後藤佑司,三古展弘:予約締切時刻がデマンド交通の利用意向に与える影響のSP分析.土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 68 (CD-ROM),2023年11月,東京都立大学.

(44) 三古展弘:紀要のインパクトファクター:『国民経済雑誌』の雑誌自己引用,国民経済雑誌,第227巻,第4号,pp. 83-93,2023年6月.

(43) 三古展弘・辻永智仁:正確な回答の依頼と質問順序が時刻の丸めに与える影響,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 67 (CD-ROM),2023年6月,福岡大学.

(42) Sanko, N.: Travel-based multitasking in Japan between 2001 and 2016: Descriptive analysis, In: Mizutani, F., Urakami, T., and Nakamura, E. (eds.) Current Issues in Public Utilities and Public Policy: Empirical Studies Focusing on Japan, Springer, pp. 131-148, January 2023.

(41) 後藤佑司・三古展弘:過疎地域における路線バスとデマンドバス:事前予約の与える影響,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 66 (CD-ROM),2022年11月,琉球大学.

(40) 三古展弘・入口尚剛:第三者による報告値を利用した活動開始・終了時刻の丸め誤差分析:首相動静を用いて,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 66 (CD-ROM),2022年11月,琉球大学.

(39) 三古展弘:様々な自動化技術と比較した自動運転の受容性,同志社商学,第73巻第2号,pp. 229-248,2021年9月.

(38) 三古展弘:非移動要素を含む拡張MaaS:活動可能場所の提供,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 63(CD-ROM),2021年6月,東北大学(オンライン).

(37) 宇都宮浄人・三古展弘・毛海千佳子:沿線住民の鉄道事業者に対する期待と満足,日本交通学会第79回研究報告会,2020年10月,関西大学(オンライン).

(36) 三古展弘:三古展弘・東本智将・中山晃輔:シートタイプと隣席同性サービスに着目した高速夜行バスの選好分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 61(CD-ROM),2020年6月,大阪大学(オンライン・ただし本発表セッションは中止).

(35) 三古展弘:標高差のある最寄鉄道駅と大学間の端末交通手段選択,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 60(CD-ROM),2019年12月,富山大学.

(34) 三古展弘・白川勇輔:通勤・通学と同時に実行する活動の組み合わせとその生産性,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 59(CD-ROM),2019年6月,名城大学.

(33) 三古展弘・及川凌:通勤・通学中の活動と理想の交通,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 58(CD-ROM),2018年11月,大分大学.

(32) 大石紘輝,三古展弘:乗客全員が着席可能な状況下での車内混雑と列車選択,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 57(CD-ROM),2018年6月,東京工業大学.

(31) 三古展弘:年齢・時代・世代に着目した出勤交通手段分担率の集計分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 56(CD-ROM),2017年11月,岩手大学.

(30) 三古展弘:交通需要予測における調査頻度とサンプル数のトレードオフ:3時点の繰り返し断面データを用いた基礎分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 55(CD-ROM),2017年6月,愛媛大学.

(29) 三古展弘:1時点大規模データと2時点小規模データによる交通需要予測精度比較,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 54(CD-ROM),2016年11月,長崎大学.

(28) 三古展弘:パーソントリップ調査に関する小論:パラメータの時点変化を考慮したモデル更新法の視点,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 53(CD-ROM),2016年5月,北海道大学.

(27) 三古展弘:時間移転性向上のためのモデル更新法の選択基準,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 52(CD-ROM),2015年11月,秋田大学.

(26) 三古展弘:駅勢圏の大きさに影響を与える要因の分析:大阪〜三ノ宮間のJR線を対象として,国民経済雑誌,第212巻,第2号,pp. 51-70,2015年8月.

(25) 三古展弘:新しい小さいサンプルは古い大きいサンプルと同時に使うべきか:定数項の修正によるモデル更新の適用可能性,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 51(CD-ROM),2015年06月,九州大学.

(24) 三古展弘:交通需要予測におけるデータの新しさとサンプル数のトレードオフ,土木計画学研究・講演集,No. 50(CD-ROM),2014年11月,鳥取大学.

(23) 三古展弘:複数時点の断面データを用いた交通需要予測精度の向上,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.45(CD-ROM),2012年6月,京都大学.

(22) 三古展弘:駅勢圏の大きさと周辺の駅までの距離の関係―奥平(1967)の再分析―,国民経済雑誌,第204巻,第2号,pp. 111-121,2011年8月.

(21) 三古展弘,正司健一:優等列車停車駅と周辺の駅までの距離を考慮した駅勢圏分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.43(CD-ROM),2011年5月,筑波大学.

(20) 三古展弘,山本俊行:誤差項に着目したRP/SPモデルのための効率的なSP調査設計,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.42(CD-ROM),2010年11月,山梨大学.

(19) 三古展弘:阪神間の鉄道駅勢圏に関する一考察――JR,阪急,阪神を対象として,運輸と経済,第70巻,第10号,pp. 25-32,2010年10月.

(18) 三古展弘:質問形式に着目した選好意識調査のパラメータ推定効率性の検討:ダブルバウンド形式質問の場合,国民経済雑誌,第200巻,第4号,pp. 45-54,2009年10月.

(17) 三古展弘,森川高行:SP調査の回答形式の分析:1.5バウンド回答形式に対する2変量プロビットモデルとインターバルデータモデルの適用,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.37(CD-ROM),2008年6月,北海道大学.

(16) 三古展弘,森川高行:自動車・公共交通利用の仮想評価における質問形式の分析−1.5バウンド形式SPデータの有効性の検討−,国民経済雑誌,第196巻,第4号,pp. 65-72,2007年10月.

(15) 三古展弘,森川高行:RPデータと支払カード形式SPデータを同時に用いた非集計行動モデルの推定,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.34(CD-ROM),2006年12月,香川大学.

(14) 三古展弘,森川高行:RPデータと1.5バウンド形式SPデータを同時に用いた非集計行動モデルの推定,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.32(CD-ROM),2005年12月,宮崎大学.[link]

(13) 三古展弘,前岨宏明,山本俊行,森川高行:中京都市圏における世帯の自動車・二輪車保有行動の時点間比較,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.30(CD-ROM),2004年11月,山口大学.[link]

(12) 横地達雄,森川高行,谷口庄一,三古展弘,松田裕樹:ストレス要因に着目した循環型環境都市の評価法に関する研究,土木学会第59回年次学術講演会講演概要集第7部(CD-ROM),2004年9月,愛知工業大学.

(11) 北浦芳郎,三古展弘,谷口庄一,森川高行,市岡秀之:P&Rが世帯の交通一般化費用に与える影響の分析,土木学会第59回年次学術講演会講演概要集第4部(CD-ROM),2004年9月,愛知工業大学.

(10) 三古展弘,森川高行:非集計交通手段選択モデルにおける修正された選択肢固有定数項の時間移転性,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.29(CD-ROM),2004年6月,神戸大学.[link]

(9) 三古展弘,森川高行:世帯単位で見た居住地・自動車保有・自動車依存交通行動の時系列連関分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.28(CD-ROM),2003年11月,豊橋技術科学大学.[link]

(8) 三古展弘,森川高行:居住地と自動車保有の選択が交通行動の自動車依存に与える影響の時系列分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.27(CD-ROM),2003年6月,東京大学.[link]

(7) 三古展弘,Andrew Daly,Eric Kroes:SP調査設計のガイドライン,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.26(CD-ROM),2002年11月,岩手大学.[link]

(6) 三古展弘,森川高行,倉内慎也:意思決定ルールと潜在的要因に着目した交通手段転換のSP分析,土木学会第57回年次学術講演会講演概要集第4部(CD-ROM),2002年9月,北海道大学.

(5) 倉内慎也,三古展弘,森川高行,大橋聡子:意思決定方略の仮説が個人行動モデルに及ぼす影響の実証的分析,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.25(CD-ROM),2002年6月,名古屋大学.[link]

(4) 今井洋平,林良嗣,加藤博和,三古展弘:東南アジア途上国の交通環境負荷に関する制度分析と対策立案の検討,土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集第7部,pp.508-509,2000年9月,東北大学.

(3) 中村英夫,林良嗣,宮本和明,表明榮,加藤博和,三古展弘:途上国交通公害の診断と対策立案システムの詳細設計,土木計画学研究・講演集,No.22(2),pp.555-558,1999年10月,熊本大学.[link]

(2) 三古展弘,林良嗣,加藤博和:インターネット技術を活用した途上国交通公害対策立案システムの開発,土木学会第54回年次学術講演会講演概要集第4部,pp.150-151,1999年9月,広島大学.

(1) 三古展弘,林良嗣,加藤博和:インターネット技術を活用した途上国交通公害対策立案システムの開発,平成10年度土木学会中部支部年次学術講演会講演概要,1999年3月,愛知工業大学.

(20) Sanko, N.: Forecasting travel demand using repeated cross-sectional data: Parameters as functions of gross domestic product per capita, and an extension. Discussion Paper Series 2015-16, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University, April 2015.

(19) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Nagamatsu, Y.: Post-Project Evaluation of Travel Demand Forecasts: Implications from the Case of a Japanese Railway, Discussion Paper Series 2012-31, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Aug. 2012.

(18) Sanko, N.: Forecasts Improved by Using Cross-Sectional Data from Multiple Time Points, Discussion Paper Series 2012-29, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Aug. 2012.

(17) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Kurauchi, S.: Mode Choice Models' Ability to Express Intention to Change Travel Behaviour Considering Non-Compensatory Rules and Latent Variables, Discussion Paper Series 2012-18, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Apr. 2012.

(16) Sanko, N., Dissanayake D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur in Comparison with Nagoya (revised version), Discussion Paper Series 2012-6, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Feb. 2012.

(15) 三古展弘,正司健一:優等列車停車駅と周辺の駅までの距離を考慮した駅勢圏分析,神戸大学大学院経営学研究科ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ,2011-27,2011年5月.

(14) 三古展弘:駅勢圏の大きさと周辺の駅までの距離の関係―奥平(1967)の再分析―,神戸大学大学院経営学研究科ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ,2011-26,2011年5月.

(13) Sanko, N. and Shoji, K.: Station Catchment Areas -- The Effects of Express Stops and Distance to Neighbouring Stations, Discussion Paper Series 2011-10, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Feb. 2011.

(12) 三古展弘,山本俊行:RPの属性値を基準にした効率的なSP調査設計:RPとSPの誤差項に着目して,神戸大学大学院経営学研究科ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ,2011-6,2011年2月.

(11) 三古展弘:駅勢圏の大きさに影響を与える要因の分析−大阪〜三ノ宮間のJR線を対象として−,神戸大学大学院経営学研究科ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ,2011-2,2011年1月.

(10) Sanko, N., Morikawa, T., and Nagamatsu, Y.: New Transport System -- Post-Project Evaluation of Travel Demand Forecasts, Discussion Paper Series 2010-56, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Oct. 2010.

(9) Sanko, N., Dissanayake D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur in Comparison with Nagoya, Discussion Paper Series 2010-49, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Sep. 2010.

(8) Sanko, N. and Yamamoto, T.: Efficient SP Experiment Design for RP/SP Models Considering Error Structures between the RP and SP Models, Discussion Paper Series 2010-43, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Aug. 2010.

(7) 三古展弘:質問形式に着目した選好意識調査のパラメータ推定効率性の検討:ダブルバウンド形式質問の場合,神戸大学大学院経営学研究科ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ,2009-13,2009年3月.

(6) Sanko, N., Dissanayake D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership in Asian Metropolitan Cities: The Cases of Bangkok (Thailand) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in Comparison with Nagoya (Japan), Discussion Paper Series 2008-40, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Aug. 2008.

(5) Sanko, N., Dissanayake D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Inter-Temporal Analysis of Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership Behaviors: The Case in the Nagoya Metropolitan Area of Japan, 1981-2001, Discussion Paper Series 2008-34, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., July 2008.

(4) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Choice Models Using Matching Data, Discussion Paper Series 2008-8, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Feb. 2008.

(3) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Temporal Transferability of Updated Alternative-Specific Constants in Disaggregate Mode Choice Models, Discussion Paper Series 2008-7, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Feb. 2008.

(2) Sanko, N. and Morikawa, T.: Effects of Response Formats of Stated Preference Analysis for Travel Mode Switching Behaviour - Bivariate Probit and Interval Data Models for One-and-One-Half Bound Format -, Discussion Paper Series 2008-5, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Jan. 2008.

(1) Sanko, N., Dissanayake D., Kurauchi, S., Maesoba H., Yamamoto, T., and Morikawa, T.: Inter-Temporal and Inter-Regional Analysis of Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership in Asian Metropolitan Cities: Bivariate Ordered Probit Modeling Approach, Discussion Paper Series 2007-54, Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe Univ., Dec. 2007.

(4) 三古展弘:多時点断面データとSPデータを用いた交通行動変化の非集計分析,名古屋大学博士論文,2005年1月.

(3) 三古展弘:意思決定ルールと潜在的要因に着目した個人選択行動モデルの比較分析,名古屋大学修士論文,2002年2月.

(2) Sanko, N.: Guidelines for Stated Preference Experiment Design, MBA Dissertation, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Nov. 2001.[pdf]

(1) 三古展弘:インターネット技術を活用した途上国交通公害対策立案システムの開発,名古屋大学卒業論文,1999年2月.
