Code of conduct: This seminar series is to provide equal opportunity for every participant to exchange academic knowledge. Any behavior against this aim such as disturbance, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated, and individuals violating this policy will not be allowed to participate in meetings.
講師:Hendrik Rommeswinkel(一橋大学)
演題:Preference for Verifiability
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
演題:Strategy-Proofness and Competitive Equilibrium with Transferable Utility: Gross Substitutes Revisited
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
講師:藤原グレーヴァ 香子(慶應義塾大学)
演題:Evolutionary Instability of Cooperation towards Strangers in Voluntary Partnerships
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
講師:Yichuan Lou(東京大学)
演題:Facts and Opinions: Communicating with Hard and Soft Information
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
演題:Forward and Reverse Bayesianism under Ambiguity
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
演題:Strategy-Proofness and Competitive Equilibrium with Transferable Utility: Gross Substitutes Revisited
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
講師:Vinay Ramani(Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
演題:Luxury Goods Taxation and Social Welfare in a Vertically Differentiated Market with Snob Effect
場所:経営学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
演題:Stochastic Adaptive Learning with Committed Players in Centipede Games
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
演題:A Dual Approach to Nonparametric Characterization for Random Utility Models
場所:経済学研究科 大会議室(六甲台本館二階)
演題:Discrete Pricing in Multi-Object Auctions
場所:経済学研究科 大会議室(六甲台本館二階)
講師:守屋 隆弘(The State University of New York at Stony Brook)
演題:Communication Technology Advance and Consequences: Using Two-sided Search Model
場所:経済経営研究所 会議室(経済経営研究所 新館2階)
講師:Thorsten Hens(University of Zurich)
演題:Shareholder Engagement in an ESG-CAPM with Incomplete Markets
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
講師:粟屋 祐(University of Rochester)
演題:Spreading Information via Social Networks: An Irrelevance Result
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
講師:Hülya Eraslan(Rice University)
演題:Overcoming Free-Riding in Collective Experimentation: A Dynamic Model of Feedback-Based Information Release
場所:経済学研究科 大会議室(六甲台本館二階)
講師:Shurojit Chatterji(Singapore Management University)
演題:Strategy-Proofness and Decomposability in Multidimensional Models
場所:経済学研究科 中会議室(六甲台第三学舎一階)
講師:Keisuke Teeple(University of Waterloo)
演題:Support, Resistance, and Technical Trading
場所:経済学研究科 大会議室(六甲台本館二階)
演題:Offshoring and the Distribution of Skills
講師:下村 研一(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
演題:Closed Orbits in the Tatonnement Process (coauthored with Kazuya Kamiya and Takehiko Yamato)