KIMAP Research Seminar「Designing qualitative research for high-ranked international journals」を開催します

12月14日(木)に、KIMAP Research Seminarを開催します。

内容 Designing qualitative research for high-ranked international journals
講演者 Prof. Dr. René Chester Goduscheit
(Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University)
要旨 Most high-ranked international journals have an implicit or explicit bias towards quantitative research. As an editor-in-chief at Creativity and Innovation Management, René Chester Goduscheit has made some reflections on how this can be –and (more importantly) whether this can changed. Often, studies on the basis of qualitative research have a tendency of being less convincing and more anecdotical than large-N quantitative research. However, a substantial part of these challenges can be overcome by a proper research design. The seminar will also introduce recent methodology developments like Qualitative Comparative Analysis that potentially can alleviate the challenges of publishing qualitative studies.
日時 2023年12月14日(木)13:20~14:50
場所 神戸大学六甲台第1キャンパス 本館 I208教室
言語 英語
対象 経営学研究科の教員・大学院生・学部生、他研究科・他大学からのご関心のある方のご参加も歓迎します。
参加申込 12月13日(水)までに下記URLよりお申し込みください。
お問合せ 経営学研究科 宮尾 学 教授 (miyao[at]
経営学研究科 翁 怡婷 助教(wengyt[at]