

本稿は、近年台頭してきているユーザー起動法(User-driven method:UD法)が持つ潜在力を引き出す条件について考察した。本研究は株式会社良品計画の事例を分析し、UD法を使って開発した製品が高い新規性と販売実績を実現できること、そのためにはいくつかの補完的資源と仕組み上の工夫が必要であることを明らかにした。最後に、UD法の実践においてブランド・コミュニティが重要な役割を演じる可能性があることを指摘した。

The purpose of this paper is to examine the conditions necessary to bring out the potential of the User-Driven Method (UD Method). The author conducted a case study of Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. , on which high sales results have been reported for new products developed using the UD Method. The findings from the case are listed as follows.First, the User-Driven Method enables the development of highly novel products ? not just improvements to existing products.Second, the adoption of the User-Driven Method makes it possible to achieve sales results higher than those of products developed using the conventional method. Third, these results are not possible without complementary assets and without innovations within the system. In the final section, the author points out that a brand community can play an important role in product development with the UD Method.


User Innovation, Product Development, User-Driven Method, Brand Community

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