

われわれは探索的な比較事例研究を行い、Zou and Cavusgil (2002)が提示する国際マーケティング戦略の理論枠組みを用いて、日本企業の企業ウェブサイトのグローバル・マネジメントの類型化を試みた。調査対象5社は共通して、マルチ・ドメスティックな体制から国際的な企業ウェブサイトのマネジメントを開始していた。当初は、各社のウェブサイトの開発や制作は、各国・地域を担当する拠点に任されていた。

Our study is to identify a structure of international management applied by Japanese companies for their website. E-communication is a new topic for marketing activities. Companies are building their own website and trying to establish management models for their websites. This topic is a frontier of marketing communication researches but there are few models which can explain how international companies should manage their website worldwide for their marketing activities.
We tried a multi case based research exploring the positioning of Japanese international companies’ website managements applying a framework proposed by Zou and Cavusgil (2002) for global marketing strategy. All of the five companies, which we interviewed, had started their international website management as multi-domestic marketing. Their website developments and productions were executed by each subsidiary for its own local market.
Recently some companies however have begun to change their international website managements. One direction is standardization. Some companies have built global sites, which are managed by headquarters of the companies, upon local sites managed by country or regional subsidiaries. Other companies have established guidelines to unify looks & feels of their local sites managed by local subsidiaries.
The next direction is configuration-coordination. Some companies have centralized developments and productions of their web site platforms in their headquarters. For example these platforms include databases of product information or graphics for web pages shared by local subsidiaries. We can predict their next stage will be global marketing. In this stage companies will coordinate developments and productions of their web site platforms across their national and regional subsidiaries based on the comparative advantage.

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