


The Consequences of Accounting-Based Regulation: Real Effects on European Football Players Transfer Market


【講演者】Dr. Ron Shalev (Rotman School of Management & UTSC, University of Toronto)

Shalev氏は、実務経験を経た後、2007年にColumbia University(アメリカ)でPh.D.を取得し、 Washington University in Saint LouisとNew York Universityを経て、現在はUniversity of Toronto(カナダ)のRotman School of ManagementとUniversity of Toronto Scarboroughでのクロスアポイントメントのもと、associate professorとして所属している。
Shalev氏は、財務報告分野の幅広いトピックスに関する研究に精力的に取り組んでおり、会計領域のトップジャーナルであるThe Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research,およびJournal of Accounting and Economicsに加えて、広義の経営学領域のトップジャーナルであるManagement Scienceにも複数の研究論文を公表している。Shalev氏の近年の研究業績は、企業の財務報告とM&Aの関係や、CEOの属性と財務報告の関わりに関する研究などを含み、多様である。

【会場】大会議室(六甲台第1キャンパス 本館3F)



【主催】KIMAP Research Seminar



Reconsidering the (co)creation of value: a critical review of product, service and customer dominant logics


【講演者】Dr. Manju Puri (J. B. Fuqua Professor of Finance, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University)

In the research seminar at Kobe University on November 14th 2024, I will argue that value should be understood as a dynamic attribution of service for both customers and suppliers, rather than as a (co)created, intangible product—a perspective widely accepted in both academic and practical contexts. This argument lays the groundwork for the development of a Value Dominant Logic (VDL), which departs from the established frameworks of Product Dominant Logic (PDL) and Service Dominant Logic (SDL). VDL conceptualizes every economic actor primarily as a customer, each of whom seeks to establish, sustain, enhance, or replace systems for which they feel responsibility. Accordingly, value is always “value-for-asystem,” inherently relational and manifesting through interconnections within the system. This understanding challenges SDLʼs central claim that the value of a product or service is necessarily experienced in-use.

In the seminar, I will introduce and critically examine five fundamental axioms of VDL, contrasting them with those of SDL. This comparison reveals that SDL aligns more closely with PDL than previously recognized, which in turn helps explain the rise of alternative logics such as Service Logic (SL) and Customer Dominant Logic (CDL) within service and marketing scholarship. However, these newer logics still maintain the assumption that value is accumulated through (co)creation or formation processes. VDL rejects this premise while remaining rooted in the service-oriented thinking of SDL, without allowing it to dominate the VDL framework.




【主催】KIMAP Research Seminar




【講演者】野村 一仁 氏(株式会社マネーフォワード グループ執行役員 CDAO(Chief Data and Analytics Officer))
     吉住 遼 氏(株式会社マネーフォワード ホームカンパニーDataForward室 兼 データ戦略室分析推進部)
     田中 亨 氏(株式会社マネーフォワード データ戦略室 分析推進部)


【会場】六甲台第1キャンパス 本館2階 I210教室




From Competitors to Partners: Banks’ Venture Investments in Fintech


【講演者】Dr. Manju Puri (J. B. Fuqua Professor of Finance, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University)

We hypothesize and find evidence that banks use venture investments in fintech startups as a strategic approach to navigate fintech competition. We show that banks’ venture investments have increasingly focused on fintech firms in systematic ways. We find that banks facing greater fintech competition are more likely to make venture investments in fintech star tups. Banks target fintech firms that exhibit higher levels of asset complementarities with their own business. Finally, instrumental variable analyses show that venture investments increase the likelihood of operational collaborations and knowledge transfer between the bank investor and the fintech investee.





  • 神戸大学経済経営研究所(RIEBセミナー)
  • 神戸大学金融研究会
  • 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科KIMAPプログラム(KIMAP Research Seminar)
  • 科学研究費補助金(課題番号23K22131、基盤研究B、「銀行業の将来像:銀行理論に基づく現代・近代比較実証分析による検討」、研究代表者 内田浩史)


The Determinants and Performance Effects of TCFD Adoption


【講演者】Dr. Yu-Lin Hsu (University of Glasgow)

【会場】六甲台第1キャンパス 第3学舎1階 中会議室



【主催】KIMAP Resarch Seminar



Managing innovation of non-assembled products in the “family” of process industries
In search of a product innovation work process of excellence


【講演者】Dr. Thomas Lager (School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalen University)

Based on a large international research program together with Portsmouth University, and in interaction with 19 global world-leading companies from nine countries and six different sectors of the Process Industries my new book related to product innovation will be published in May by WSPC.
Managing innovation of non-assembled products is discussed in a corporate strategic perspective, and it is initially argued that a company’s competitive position is strongly related to an underlying unique and continually renewed product innovation work process, driving innovation and delivery of new or improved products in the marketplace. For industry professionals in the Process Industries in search of a seamless, easy-to-use, effective formal product innovation work process, from customer understanding to product launch, a guiding framework is disclosed with “hands-on” advice for the design of a unique corporate innovation work process. As such, a novel five-phase structural process model of the product innovation work process is presented in order to orchestrate a more dynamic interaction between product and process innovation and the integration of sustainability and product eco-design in product development.

【会場】六甲台第1キャンパス 第3学舎1階 中会議室



【対象】経営学研究科 教員・大学院生(KIMAP生を含む)

Language as a Strategic Choice—Drawing Global Research Talent by Switching to English


【講演者】Dr. Thomas Triebs (Loughborough Business School, Loughborough University)

We show, using a difference-in-difference identification, that introducing English as the official language of instruction in a degree program increases the average journal impact factor (JIF) of new international faculty hires in Dutch and Belgian universities by 12-20%.
These results are robust to a battery of controls including university and time fixed effects as well as university specific time trends. We argue that switching to English reduces labor mobility barriers, allowing universities in non-English speaking countries to recruit from the global talent pool.

【会場】六甲台第1キャンパス 本館3階 大会議室



【対象】経営学研究科 教員・大学院生(KIMAP生を含む)、他研究科・他大学からのご関心のある方のご参加も歓迎します。