You can find forms for submitting of each thesis as follows and download. Please fill out and submit to Academic Affairs via the Membersite. Please note that the system accepts Excel and PDF only. If the form is in Word file, please convert it to PDF and upload; if it is in Excel, it can be submitted as is.
If there are two versions of the form, one in Japanese and one in English, you only need to submit one of them.
修士論文提出書類 / Forms for Master’s Thesis submission
- 論文要旨 / Abstract (Word) (2022.4.28更新 / renew 2022.4.28)
- 研究業績リスト(メンバーサイトの大学院生情報ページをPDFデータにしてください。) / Resume (Please fill out each item in “大学院生情報” on the Membersite and convert the filled out page into PDF.) *If you find it any technical issue when converting into PDF, please contact us and send the word file by e-mail to Academic Affairs (bkyomu3[@]b.kobe-u.ac.jp).
- 進路等調査票 / Graduate’s Personal Information (Excel) (2024.6.14更新 / renew 2024.6.14)
- 宣誓書 / Pledge (PDF) (2021.12.18追加 / added 2021.12.18)
The Graduate School of Business Administration recommends that students submit a pledge that they understand and comply with the `Code of Conduct for Scientists at Kobe University` in order to prevent misconduct in their dissertations. Applicants are highly recommended to write and submit their own pledge in accordance with the prescribed form.
Referrence:Code of Conduct for Scientists at Kobe University
博士候補者資格論文(旧第2論文)提出書類 / Forms for Qualifying Paper(2nd Paper) submission
- 研究計画書 / Research Proposal (Word) (2022.4.28更新 / renew 2022.4.28)
- 研究業績リスト(メンバーサイトの大学院生情報ページをPDFデータにしてください。) / Resume (Please fill out each item in “大学院生情報” on the Membersite and convert the filled out page into PDF.) *If you find it any technical issue when converting into PDF, please contact us and send the word file by e-mail to Academic Affairs (bkyomu3[@]b.kobe-u.ac.jp).
単位修得認定論文提出書類 / Forms for Required documents for Ph.D. coursework completed without degree submission
- 研究経過報告書 / Research Progress Report (Word) (2022.4.28更新 / renew 2022.4.28)
- 研究業績リスト(メンバーサイトの大学院生情報ページをPDFデータにしてください。) / Resume (Please fill out each item in “大学院生情報” on the Membersite and convert the filled out page into PDF.) *If you find it any technical issue when converting into PDF, please contact us and send the word file by e-mail to Academic Affairs (bkyomu3[@]b.kobe-u.ac.jp).
- 進路等調査票 / Graduate’s Personal Information (Excel) (2024.6.14更新 / renew 2024.6.14) ※単位修得退学となる場合に提出
博士論文提出書類 / Forms for Doctoral Dissertation submission
- 学位論文審査願 / Dissertation Review Request (Word) (2022.4.28更新 / renew 2022.4.28)
- 論文目録 / Dissertation Bibliography (Word) 日本語作成時注意書き (2022.4.28更新 / renew 2022.4.28)
- 履歴書 / Curriculum Vitae (Excel) 日本語作成例 English sample (2024.5.14更新 / renew 2024.5.14)
- 研究業績リスト(メンバーサイトの大学院生情報ページをPDFデータにしてください。) / Resume (Please fill out each item in “大学院生情報” on the Membersite and convert the filled out page into PDF.) *If you find it any technical issue when converting into PDF, please contact us and send the word file by e-mail to Academic Affairs (bkyomu3[@]b.kobe-u.ac.jp).
- 進路等調査票 / Graduate’s Personal Information (Excel) (2024.6.14更新 / renew 2024.6.14)
- 宣誓書 / Pledge (PDF) (2021.12.18追加 / added 2021.12.18)
The Graduate School of Business Administration recommends that students submit a pledge that they understand and comply with the `Code of Conduct for Scientists at Kobe University` in order to prevent misconduct in their dissertations. Applicants are highly recommended to write and submit their own pledge in accordance with the prescribed form.
Referrence:Code of Conduct for Scientists at Kobe University
※博士論文の公表延期が必要な方は、指導教員と確認のうえ、別途教務グループまでお知らせください。(2023.3.20追加 / added 2023.3.20)
*If you need the procedure for deferment publication of dissertation, please contact Academic Affairs Section after you confirm with your supervisor whether you need the deferment publication.
※博士論文において教員との共著が含まれる場合は、論文題目提出の際に指導教員と確認のうえ、教務グループに連絡するようにしてください。(2023.3.20追加 / added 2023.3.20)
*If the doctoral dissertation includes co-authorship with a faculty member, please contact your supervisor and Academic Affairs Section when submitting the dissertation title.
共通事項 / Common Notes for All Thesis
- 論文作成要領(学生便覧から抜粋)(2024.5.14更新 / renew 2024.5.14)
修士論文・博士候補者資格論文 Master’s Thesis・Qualifying Paper
博士論文 Doctoral Dissertation - 論文作成方法について Basic Guidelines for Thesis Writing (2022.4.28更新 / renew 2022.4.28)
- 論文表紙サンプル (Word) 表紙作成例 (日本語) cover page English sample (2022.9.14更新 / renew 2022.9.14)
- 論文テンプレートサンプル
10pt (Word)
11pt (Word)
12pt (Word) - 論文題目変更届 / Title Change Form (2022.4.22追加 / added 2022.4.22)
If you change your thesis/dissertation title, please submit the appropriate form for each of the following to the Academic Affairs Section directly(It is OK via email). When you submit the format, please submit it with the permission by your supervisor(eg. the signature of supervisor on the form or the email it shows permission for changing by your supervisor).
修士論文 / Master(Word)
博士候補者資格論文 / Qualifying Paper(Word)
単位修得認定論文 (Word)
博士論文 / Doctoral(Word)
博士論文について / Regarding Doctoral Dissertation
Students need to submit the final version of the doctoral dissertation by electrical data. Please refer to the following instructions for preparation.
If you need to revise the data slightly after the final defense, please submit the final revised data to the Academic Affairs Section between the time of the announcement of the graduates and the graduation ceremony.
- 作成要領 Guideline (2023.9.27更新 / renew 2023.9.27)
- PDF/Aファイルについて (2024.4.11更新 / renew 2024.4.11)